Container Repair System Model R-04 & R-05


+1.786.737.3762  Local

PO Box 660283

Miami Springs, FL 33266

CONTREP Innovative Container Repair Systems
CONTREP Innovative Container Repair Systems



"Since obtaining CONTREP we've increased our productivity and have significantly reduced our shop cost"


"It is much safer to handle and operate CONTREP compared to other traditional methods of repairs (...) this is greatly noticable when the repairs are located higher on the component being repaired"


"Also, CONTREP is not just limited to the container shop. We've also used it to straighten out chasis frames, bolsters, and cross members"


"I have and would highly recommend CONTREP to anyone in the container business"



Eduardo "Eddy" Pedraza,

Maintenance and Repair Manager

Sun Terminals Inc.

a King Ocean Services Terminal

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